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Mysterious ‘Spider’ Phenomenon on Mars Explained

Every spring, a fascinating phenomenon occurs on Mars, captivating scientists and space enthusiasts alike. Dark, spindly formations resembling spiders appear in a region known as Inca City. Let’s explore this intriguing phenomenon and understand what causes these Martian “spiders.”

Mysterious 'Spider' Phenomenon on Mars Explained

What Are the Martian “Spiders”?

  • The dark formations are not actual spiders but rather channels of gas.
  • They measure between 0.03 to 0.6 miles (45 meters to 1 kilometer) across.
  • These “spiders” emerge during Martian spring in the southern hemisphere.

Origins and Formation

  • The process begins when the weather warms up, causing layers of buried carbon dioxide ice to melt.
  • As the lowest ice layers turn to gas (sublimate), they expand and rise.
  • The gas bursts out of the overlying ice layers, carrying dark dust from the solid surface.
  • This dusty gas showers down onto the top layer, creating the cracked, spidery pattern seen on Mars.

Inca City

  • Also known as Angustus Labyrinthus, Inca City features linear, ruin-like ridgelines.
  • Initially thought to be petrified sand dunes or remnants of ancient Martian glaciers, it’s now believed to be part of a circular feature approximately 53 miles (86 km) wide.
  • The geometric ridges may be magma intrusions that rose through the cracked, heated crust of Mars after an impact event.

ESA’s Images

  • The European Space Agency (ESA) recently captured images of these Martian “spiders” in the Inca City formation.
  • ESA’s Mars Express orbiter and ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter provided detailed views of the dark clusters of dots.
  • These images help scientists study the seasonal eruptions of carbon dioxide gas on Mars.


  • While the Martian “spiders” may not be arachnids, their formation remains a captivating mystery.
  • Understanding these geological processes contributes to our knowledge of Mars’ dynamic environment.

Remember, even though Mars lacks actual spiders, its geological wonders continue to astound us!

View Sources

(1) Hundreds of black ‘spiders’ spotted in mysterious ‘Inca City’ on Mars ….
(2) Researchers tackle the ‘spiders’ from Mars | ScienceDaily.
(3) Hundreds of Black “Spiders” Spotted On The Surface Of Mars. Here’s What ….
(4) NASA sees ‘spiders’ crawling across Mars landscape – CNET.
(5) Eerie ‘Spiders’ Scattered Through Inca City on Mars Seen in Incredible ….

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