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Prachi Nigam, UP Board Class 10 Topper, Shuts Down Trolls with Grace

Prachi Nigam, the brilliant student who secured an impressive 98.5% in the UP Board Class 10 examinations, recently found herself at the center of a social media storm. However, it wasn’t her academic achievement that garnered attention; it was her facial hair. Trolls took to the internet to mock her appearance, but Prachi responded with poise and resilience.

Prachi Nigam, UP Board Class 10 Topper, Shuts Down Trolls with Grace
Prachi Nigam, UP Board Class 10 Topper, Shuts Down Trolls with Grace
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The Trolling Incident

As soon as the UP Board results were announced, Prachi’s photograph went viral. Unfortunately, some individuals chose to focus on her facial hair rather than celebrating her remarkable academic success. The negativity didn’t go unnoticed, but Prachi handled it with remarkable maturity.

Prachi’s Response

In an interview, Prachi addressed the trolls head-on. She expressed gratitude to those who supported her and acknowledged that while some people made fun of her, others stood by her. Prachi’s words echoed the sentiment that appearances should not overshadow accomplishments.

“When the UP results were announced, my picture went viral; many people trolled me. At the same time, there were those who supported me. I want to thank everyone,” Prachi said during the interview.

A Lesson from Chanakya

Prachi drew inspiration from history, citing the example of Chanakya. Even the ancient Indian philosopher and strategist faced criticism and ridicule, yet he remained undeterred in his pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. Similarly, Prachi emphasized that she would focus on her studies, regardless of the trolls.

“However God has made me, I am okay with it. For those who feel there is a difference, it doesn’t matter. Even Chanakya was trolled, and he did not care. Similarly, I also don’t care and will focus on my studies,” she asserted.


Prachi Nigam’s response serves as a powerful reminder that true success lies in determination, resilience, and the pursuit of knowledge. Let us celebrate her achievements and learn from her grace in handling adversity.

Remember, success is not defined by appearances but by the strength of character and determination. Let Prachi Nigam’s story inspire us all.

View More Sources

(1) Prachi Nigam stands up to trolls: UP Board Class 10 topper says, ‘If I had fewer marks…’.
(2) UP Board Topper Prachi Nigam Reacts To Comments On Her Facial Hair, Gives THIS Chanakya Reference To Hit Back At Trolls.
(3) Prachi Nigam, class 10 UP Board topper shuts down trolls, says ‘I will focus on my studies’.
(4) Prachi Nigam, class 10 UP Board topper shuts down trolls, says ‘I will ….
(5) UP Class 10 topper Prachi Nigam shuts up trollers over her … – OTV News.
(6) “Even Chanakya Was…”: UP Board Topper Prachi Nigam Shuts Trolls.

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